All of my long-form thoughts on programming, leadership, product design, and more, collected in chronological order.
The Delegate Design Pattern is used when one object needs to use another object to perform a task or action. It's like having a personal assistant – you delegate tasks to them, but you're still in charge.
Are you looking to add some flair to your website with scroll animations? Look no further! In this beginner-friendly guide, we'll explore how to use the IntersectionObserver API to create smooth animations when scrolling. We'll walk through a simple example that you can easily adapt to your own projects.What is the IntersectionObserver API?
Adding movement and interactivity to your web pages can greatly enhance user experience. CSS provides powerful tools for creating animations without the need for JavaScript or complex libraries. Let's explore the key concepts of CSS transitions, animations, and keyframes.Transitions allow you to smoothly change property values over a specified duration. They're perfect for simple animations triggered by user interactions like hovering or clicking.